How real time 3D rendering modifies traditional rendering?
What is real-time 3D rendering? Real-time 3D rendering is a sub-field of computer graphics focused on real-time image analysis and production. The term real-time 3D rendering can vary from displaying the application's graphical interface to real-time image analysis. It is most often used for interactive 3D computer graphics. Usually a graphics processing unit (GPU) is used. An example of this concept is the video game that allows 3D environments to change rapidly to produce an illusion of movement. Before you continue reading, make sure you know how 3D rendering works. Computers have been able to generate 2D images as simple lines, images and polygons in real time since their invention. However, quick visualization of detailed 3D objects is a difficult task for traditional systems. One of the first solutions to this problem was to use sprites, 2D images that can mimic 3D graphics. With advanced hardware and techniques, computers now display images fast enough to crea...